Wednesday, January 2, 2008

That Old Sinking Feeling

So the babies love to play in our room. Problem is that the house is old and in order for the door to stay open, we have to use a rubber doorstop stolen from the Graves 601 Hotel fka Le Meridien. Well, usually, one or both babies will take out the doorstop and the the door will eventually swing almost completely shut. They are in there right now, giggling and babbling to each other. Any other person in their right mind would think, "Oh how sweet! They are playing together and having fun." Not me. Apparently I have issues, because I feel like I have been magically whisked away to 8th grade and the popular girls are in the other room making fun of me. Sigh. I know this is ilogical, since these "popular girls" are only 9 months old and can only speak Baby. But still, it's hard to refute when I go into the room and Monkey unsuccessfully lurches for the door to shut it before I get in. Then both parties guiltily put down the mounds of my clean underwear over which they had apparently been dishing. They stare at me and I swear I can feel the braces back on my teeth. Man, this parenting stuff is hard.


KMS said...

Absolutely too funny.
Babes do have a way of approaching the world with such keen joy that it is hard not to feel left out sometimes.

Seza said...

Just read some babysitters club and you'll feel better.